Wednesday, August 5, 2009


My good friend, Alice is pregnant and going to have her girl in mid August. Last Saturday, we went to visit her and brought some presents for her and her little girl. We saw a very cute pink bouncy cow right in front of her nursery room. We have Remy "rest ride" it right away to see how little baby play with this toy. I thought this is really cleaver to use plastic for children's toys. Remy is teething and he loves to chew on everything in sight. So when he rode on this little howdy cow, he also chewed on the 2 handles at the top. Remy had fun even though he needs an adult to be aside to supervise him.
When I came home, I thought to get Remy one to play with. We found this manufacture in Italy does not only make Howdy, they also has Gyffy as Giraffes and Rody as horses. There's a rocking base sold separately which allows people to turn these bouncers into rockers. Tones of nice colors for Rody. You can find all sorts of information online.