Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I got this Zip-Bin for Remy after seeing the reactions from other kids and parents in the store. Last week, when I was at Borders, I saw several boys were playing and having fun in the kids section. Their ages are from 1.5 to 4 years old. I went over and took a closer look at what they were doing. I saw they were playing with cars and car books. One of the kids had this package in his hand so I pick one up from the shelf, too.

This is a toy serves two functions. Kids can zip the map and made into a carrying bin or they can un-zip it and play cars on the map.

The package for this zip bin is quite amazing. It has very detail and clear illustrations with a lenticular card to describe how it functions. So people can assemble this unit within a minute. Being a designer, I really appreciate the package designers and toy company put their afforts and money to produce this product.

Package Overview when first opened
Two cars included. There is a parking lot inside the cover!
One spot for handicap!

One zipper for each corner of the box.
To make the map into a box, simply zip up the 4 corners.

Un-zip the 4 corners. This box expends and becomes a map.
(Inside map view)

Top view of the box cover

Inside view of the box; a cover with a box.
Kids can put their toys inside this box and carry it to travel.

Outside view when cover is on!
There are velcro tapes to seal the cover so nothing falls out while traveling.