Monday, August 10, 2009

Remy's Potential Girlfriend #1: Katherine Chen

Alice had her baby girl yesterday, 8.9. 2009. Her name is Katherine Chen. She was born in the morning around 7:00-8:00. Her weight is 8 pound 4 oz and 20.5 inches long which is the same weight as Remy but shorter then Remy.
Alice's water broke on 8.7.09, Friday night. She went to hospital the next day and the hospital induced the baby around noon time. Due to Katherine was not face down, it took extra hours to get her out. Alice's intense labor was about 19-20 hours right after the hospital started induction. She had Epidural after tried pain killers. She also had fever during the labor. According to Alice, "I tried everything except c-section! ..... I told myself, I got to push Katherine out because I do not want to have c-section......" Alice made it and Katherine is a natural birth baby!
Ira and I got Diana's phone call about 11:00 when we were in Berkeley. We drove down to Alice's hospital to see them and share their joy in the late afternoon.

Katherine's close-up portrait!

Katherine & the Dad

Stephanie was holding Katherine