Monday, January 25, 2010


Remy enjoy seeing himself in the mirror!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Everyone at Diana's house-1.16.2010

Stephanie and Alice's families gathered at Diana's house 1.16.2009 early evening. Stephanie thought it's a good idea to stop by Diana's house on the way to bay area.
Since it's a three day weekend, Remy and Ira were having very bad jet-lag, visiting friends was a nice activities.
We did not visit Dry mom, Diana for a half year. We planed to hang out with Alice's family and had light dinner at Diana and Joseph's new furnished beautiful house.

We had good time at Diana's house. Ira saw 2 Lowie's paintings on the wall looked very nice so he decided to take some photos to show Lowie. We thought the painting in the living room which Lowie was not happy looked very nice in this space. With the lighting arrangement and the carpet pattern, the colors and textures of this painting looks wonderful. No wonder Diana thought this painting spoke to her when she first saw it in the studio.
We went home about 9:00. Thanks to jet-lag and I hardly remembered how we get home.

Fireworks painting in the Living room!!!

Johnny painting in the family room!

Friday, January 15, 2010


We've been back for 5 days. And Remy still not over his jet-lag.
He woke up at the middle of the night about 3:00 am every day.
He wants to have a big feast around 3:00 early morning after he woke up.
He ran all over the house after his big fest and would not sleep till morning.
Also, he POO at the Taiwan time, about 5:15 in the afternoon US time but 9:15 morning time in Taiwan.
We are still fighting our jet-lag and please wish us luck!!!

On the way back home

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

1.3.2010-糖朝 with Echo

糖朝 (
You got to try their deserts. Very interesting presentation!!!

Shrimp & Seaweed Cakes (fun)

筍尖鮮蝦餃 (OK)

特式炒蘿蔔糕 (OK)

糖朝XO醬百花油條 (Excellent)

Pineapple Prawn (Excellent)

鮮果杏仁豆腐 (good to look at)

春水堂 with Echo

春水堂: Peal tea was invented in this shop. The original store is at Tai-Chung. I was glad to see they have other branches in Kaohsiung. It's a very nice store in the walking distance from grand parnets' house. (

Echo: Stephanie's over 20 year friend. First time seeing Remy.
We are on our way to 春水堂.

Inside 春水堂

Peal Teas and Foods

Back to the house!!

Glad to see you, Echo!!